Wednesday, June 23, 2010

My first post

Hello all, I know our family has a blog (which I never use) but I wanted to have one where I can use it kind of as a journal for myself and let all my lady friends know what things I am learning as a mother and wife.

I have learned long ago that when you're tired it is hard to give all of yourself.
Unfortunately I can't control my sleeping habits right now with a 3 month old and 3 other small children. It takes a lot of effort to control my crankiness and moodiness when I haven't gotten enough sleep. I often don't control those things very well, but I am looking for any advice you have on actually getting to sleep. I find my mind runs wild with what I need to do the next day and other things I might have going on at that time. I have never tried anything like relaxation techniques or meditation, but I think I might be willing to give it a try. What do you think?

Don't worry all you people that are thinking..."she will never again write on this blog"....well you're wrong. One of my friends told me she sets aside a time each week to write on her blog, so that is what I'm going to do. Till next time....


Shannon said...

Maybe you should try yoga. I have a friend who said it really helped her sleep a lot better.

Karen said...

I LOVE yoga! It totally helps me relax. When my mind is running wild at night I focus on taking as slow, deep breaths as I can...and pretty soon I'm asleep!